How to Design a Best Branding Experiences to the Consumer?


       The idea behind building the business is to create value for the customer. The basic starting point of any business will costs you more to create more value for the customer. But, the role of business is to continuously create the customer. The brand is an extrinsic to the product or service. It is something extra that you are giving to the consumer and that Brand image lives in the minds of the customer. It is the traditional approach of doing our business. But, In the modern environment, the consumer is not a static recipient of your offering. It is a dynamic journey that includes learning about your offering, buying, using and disposing of it. These are all the stages in business. If you think about the behaviors of the organization, it is really about designing and delivering differentiated experiences. These experiences include all the different processes like IT operations, services, and communication etc., Brand is the engagement and motivates to buy into it. So, it is really about all the people in the organization working together to deliver the value.
Brand Identity: Brand identity or Brand image is the identity means to you that are important to the target customer. If you think about the brand, it is the visual identity (logo) which is a set of resocialization attached to the brand. So, the marketer's job is to enhance the brand image by negating the negative re-socialization and elevating the positive one and protect the visual identity of the brand. The competitor Benchmarking and competition can be commoditized in the industries. So, it is difficult to differentiate your B2B product from each other and the customer is driving the commoditization. In Businesses, there is a strategic function of procurement and making the product very similar because they want to compete on price. So, what role the brand play in the environment? The brand is not just a product or service. It is an experience that happens over a prolonged period of time. The gap between the brand promise which the marketing communication creating the promises or creating the expectations and delivering of that promise. Brand Identity is inside the organization, fuels innovation, drives the people's behavior who will deliver the customer experience.

Brand Purpose: The Brand's communicate to things like Slogans. It is the Brand positioning, Brand DNA and Brand essence. People want to know what the brand stands for and how to react. The brand is about solving business problems. The product attribute gives the consumer benefit that leads to the transformational purpose of the consumer. For ex, the baby product like pampers has the product attribute of dryness which gives better sleep to the child that develops baby mind & muscle. It is the foundation of the brand. Also, the brand should align with social responsibility which is the fundamental and core purpose of the brand.
      The core purpose of a brand means to understand the core driver of the customer's behavior. To get the core purpose of the brand, you need to get into the emotional side of the customer. They simply ask themselves to keep on projecting to the future. Then, they will realize the customer needs like starting the business, want to work in society(philanthropy), travel to the world etc., These are the deep customer insights that change their products. So, the financial wealth planner interacted with the customer and created the things called dream book so that customers will fill out the future which is the basis for a financial planner to engage. They were not used to speaking about their customer dreams.
         In B2B, the customers are not just buying the products. They are buying the solutions which are deeper and more purposeful value to the consumer. The Brand purpose is deep customer insights and building the business around their insights that provide better value. It is to connect the brand and connects the employee to the customer through the brand.

Customer Value Creation:  There are 3E's of your customer experience in order to run a successful business or enterprise. Those are,
   1. Efficiency
   2. Effectiveness
   3. Experience
           The whole idea of the business is efficiency.  It is not just the product in which we create value and it is not the same value if we put it into a different place. The efficiency aspect is the level of output that we can do it with less input. It is basically the challenge of that time and all about reducing waste. By reducing the waste and keep the value same that's how you can increase the value. Efficiency can be described in a variety of languages like SixSigma which is a cost-saving lean initiative into practice, Kaizen, TQM(TotalQualityManagement) etc., When it comes to cost-cutting, it is good to cut the bad costs and not cut the good costs.
       Effectiveness can be understood as the concept of Value Creation by Value Chain. It means for the given inputs generating more output. For ex, Can I get the same output with fewer people? For the value perceptiveness, Can I train and develop to get more out of them?
       If you think of purchasing the product, check out the value chain. There is no value created outside of the customer experience. Values are created entirely on the production side of things. The customer paying the money for the value which we created. The value could be something functional, or something measure easily or actually measure customer experiences. But, the value is created within the consumer and not in the product. The product allows you to release the value. The value creation in the industry can be defined as the cost for the consumer until the value is released to use.

Advantage of Digital Branding Experiences: The Internet is the greatest force of shifting value creation from experience and effectiveness to efficiency. There is a vast difference between digital and physical experiences. Efficiency has a great benefit to the organization. The average cost of transaction through face-to-face is much higher than online digital transactions. Also, the digital aspects will enhance our brand by what the brand actually tries to deliver or the brand purpose apart from the logo.

Designing Brand Experiences: It is going from the various attributes that your products and services to the consumer benefits. For the consumer benefits, you might think of how reliable and affordable to the customers. So, you need to visualize the value that we provide. How to align up the competition and looking at those points of difference?  These tend to be measurable components of your offering that tends to quite functional as a result. In the service, it is to think about all the touchpoints we have and turn them into the voice of the customer. Learn from the customer and enhance the services of customer experiences. There are 7 stages in designing and delivering the customer experiences on the brand.  Those are,
      1. Brand Purpose - inging
      2. Customer Journey Mapping
      3. Brand TouchPoint Matching
      4. Brand acts at "moments that matter"
      5. Brand Leadership & Alignment
      6. Brand Practices & Engagement
      7. Brand Metrics & Returns

"Inging" means understanding the purpose of doing that already puts into the customer experiences. It is often a creative way to look deeper into our customer. In engineering and problem solving, we use 5 why's because it is deeper and deeper to understand the emotional level of customer experiences. For ex, People go to the gym to exercise is an Ing. But, they are exercising for different reasons like some people want to look good(attractiveness) is the emotional goal or competing for the task(Fitness) or to lose weight(Health Maintenance) etc., These are all different segments to serve to your customer. So, you might thing to serve all or one of those segments effectively. The better you serve to the segment, the customer will look more value for that benefit.
          The customer journey is the mapping of all the ingings that your customers doing like learning, navigating the information, buying, using and disposing of the product. These are all different events to be mapped out. The sales funnel(Aware, Consider, Try, Adopt) is an important tool to be used for customer mapping.
         In order to deliver value, you need to match the touchpoints of the organization against those moments that match the customer journey. For ex, making the payment, complaint handling, renewal etc., From a customer touchpoint perspective, which touch-point delight the customer or bring the brand to life. Then, think about what can we do differently to improve the customer experience or deliver the brand.
         The 4th step is to find out how to go from generic or poor experience to create meaningful and rich on brand. How to express the brand exponentially? For ex, In the supermarket, when the customer looks for something and confused, you need to approach them and ask them that "May I help you" and take them, but not to point to them.
         Brand leadership and alignment is to gear up organizationally and allow seamless customer experience. It is to align the different silos in the organization and deliver a consistent and smooth experience. This emphasizes the brand promise and delivers it through many small gestures over time.
        On the individual level, how to create the brand practices through HR and What to deliver with a passion so that the experience is authentic to the customer is a Brand Engagement.
        Finally, the returns and measurements that you might want to employ in order to drive these over time and do well. For ex, In the commodity, you are charging for the cost and margins. In the products, you are trying to point those of differences like premium, essentials etc., In the service, you are charging for activities. In Experiences, you are really charging for time and impact on your customer.
