Atlassian Jira is a proprietary web-based product developed by Australian company Atlassian. It provides issue tracking, project management, and bug tracking. Jira helps planning, assigning tasks, monitor end to end progress for projects etc., It is mainly useful for software builders, developers, product managers working on software projects. Jira supports Agile methodology that has highly customizable dashboards and intuitive search features like basic and advanced search. The JQL query helps to pull out the complex reports for the progress in your project. There are 3 kinds of products in JIRA for the project requirement. JIRA Core is suitable for business which will focus on Marketing, and HR can track the project and employee on-boarding. JIRA Software is primarily for the development team who are developing the software or apps to track the project. JIRA Service Desk is an IT help desk to issue tracking and service requests. JIRA is available on-demand monthly subscription cloud-based SaaS or deployed on your own server for an upfront license.
Agile Scrum Board: Scrum will be used more on the project deliverables, deadlines in software development lifecycle like how or when will be done, etc., The kanban is useful to track the tasks that are completed, left for the future etc., Historically, it is a physical board to post-it notes or card to represent the work item. But, Scrum Boards helps to visualize all the work via Sprint. Scrum boards can be customized for the team's or project's unique workflow by adding the epics, assignees, projects, and more. At the end of the Sprint, you can get an overview of the issues that are completed and unfinished issues will be a move to the backlog for the next sprint planning.
Issue Template: Open the issues template by clicking the create issue in the Jira backlog. When you click three dots in issues that will bring up a create issue card where you can update the title of the issues, and issue types like a story, task, bug, and epic etc., First, select the project for an issue and select the issue type. If you want to create any issue, you need to select the particular issue type. Depends on the issue type, the fields in the template gets changed. Because this issue type has been customized or the fields that are displayed for the particular type has been customized. Then, provide the summary, and description of your issue type(eg, story, epic, bugs, tasks etc.,). A technical task is the subpart of a story. The bug is an issue with software and epic is a group of stories. Labels help to identify the story it belongs or categorized in the complex projects like front-end, back-end, web etc., Story points is the estimate of the amount of work it's going to take to deliver in our breakdown story with acceptance criteria etc.,
Working on Scrum Project: In the Atlassian Scrum project, you can see the backlog, active sprints which will have 3 columns like todo, in progress and done. You can add the columns for testing, review, and functionality for the new workflow. Start creating the backlog with some user stories that allow the things to do. For ex, Create an app that allows the user to comment on our trip which are assigned to someone. So, start creating as many user stories that you want in your project and order with the highest priority tasks. The development team estimate the two weeks of sprint and picked them up the user stories. You are ready to start the sprint and update the sprint name, duration, and sprint goal. In the Active Sprint area, you can see the backlog items and can drag it to in-progress. Now, you can ask another user to work on the story card and they will get the notification. Open the User management in the settings, it will open a new window to add other people's email addresses. The user will get the invitation and get to work on the backlog of our project. Typically, you can assign the user stories during the sprint planning by showing the functionality is useful. When the story gets complete, you can simply move it to done. Basically, this process defines your velocity and how many points you're doing it in a sprint. At the end of the sprint duration, you need to check all the stories moved to done. Any incomplete sprint will be moved back to the backlog for the next sprint. The sprint report helps the idea about the velocity and the story points that are competed. You can take more user stories if you will be able to deliver more points. Epics are logical grouping of stories(Grouped by color in Jira) that they vary on your project. Once you mark as done, it will disappear from the epic. Epics are useful to see the progress towards the objective of your project.
Acceptance Criteria: Acceptance Criteria give clear indications of the things you want to do, the way it is going to behave, and the things you don't want to do. The standard format of the acceptance Criteria is, Given, When and Then. For ex,
User Story: Having the photo feed to upload photos
* Given : I am using the application
* When : When I enter into the home screen
* Then : I need to upload the photos
These acceptance criteria will be used on the scenario when you are not on the home screen and fix the bug of the photos that are not displayed etc., You can link other user stories by the link options in the issue template. Prioritizing of backlogs depends on customer needs, feedbacks from the MVP, difficulty, and urgency etc., It just get it done and delivers value to the customer.
Agile Workflow: Workflow is an underlying sort of flow followed by each of the issues. Jira is a collection of issues. How these issues are transitioning from one state to another is determined by the workflow. There are some default issues and you can create custom issues types and workflows as per the requirement of your project. If you view the workflow, it will detail the certain states, statuses, and transitions.
Also, you can change the workflow in Jira by adding the new column in the active sprint. Just open the board setting column by clicking three dots in the upper right-hand corner. In the current layout, you can add the columns for changing your workflow. For mapping the issues, you need to create a new workflow. So, just click the settings and issues, you can see the Jira generic workflow of todo, progress, and done. Create the new workflow by just copy the exiting workflow and add the status of "Open" just as "In Progress" because the story is not complete. This is an inactive workflow and make it as a default workflow for the specific project. For that, you need to go back to the Jira software, select the project settings, and update the workflow to a new workflow with an option to add all issue types to our workflow and publish it. Now, you can see the new column which is ready to map on the board. Once, it is ready, you can move the backlog issues to the sprint in the New Workflow which we defined as,
ToDo--> In-Progress-->Review-->Done
Design with Jira: Designers deal with users, flows, and things that behave in certain contexts. It is important to keep all the specs, and collaborate with your team members will create the next cool things. The development team has its roadmap in Jira Portfolio. The portfolio has the following hierarchy such as,
Initiatives > Epics > UserStories
Initiatives are a group the epics and span many sprints. To plan epics in sprints, you need to break into smaller things. The user story is a piece of work in a single sprint written from the perspective of the end-user. There is a parent-child relationship between the initiatives, epics, and user stories. The epic always belongs to one initiative and the user story always belongs to one epic. By understanding these concepts, we can build our first simple roadmap. Portfolio helps to make a high level of working on stakeholders. To get the portfolio work in the desired order, it is important to understand the prioritization works in the portfolio such as,
* Epics (and user stories) should belong to one release.
* Plan all the epics in the same order as the releases belong to
* Only adjust the ordering of epics and user stories within the same epic and release.
You can add the Figma files as live embeds in Jira software which will help your team to co-ordinate the deadlines, plan tasks, and ship the product at a much faster rate. The embedded Figma design will automatically update the Jira ticket. With the live embed, everyone building a product will know the current state of the design. In order to embed Figma, just enable the Figma integration in the Atlassian Marketplace for Jira software and paste the URL in the design section of the Jira ticket.
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