Sales Expert explained a simple rule of sales that all salespeople need to follow in order to close the deal is "Agreement". Agreeing with your customer is one of the best possible strategies for securing a deal. The sales pitch can be described on the opt-in page. Also, the homepage is the key page to direct your customer where they want them to go. It is where the sales pitch goes. It is the place you need social proof, communicate a specific message and show off your expertise etc., It makes a huge difference in regard to sales.
If you ever felt that your productivity is slipping, while you put the effort, but accomplishing less is due to the out of date sales process. Strategies that worked five years ago aren't effective now. If you don't abandon your bad habits, your sales productivity will suffer. It is pretty easy when you turn thinking around from "sales" to helping". And, You will also find much easier to have the sales talk. Sales can be closed if you simply take the time to follow up. Send a quick email and invite your prospect by,
1. Scheduling the follow-up call by answering his questions
2. Review the coaching program outlines or sales page
3. Join the different program that might be a better fit
4. Read more testimonials etc.,
Get in the way of making a real difference in people lives and in growing the business and profits.
Here are the tasks to do before you make your sales pitch,
1. Do Homework: Invest time and research who am I, understand the services our company provides and how our product or service can add value to myself and my business.
2. Keep the Short and Sweet Email: An effective email should be short and to the point. Educate the reader on how you can add value to the customer.
3. Create Visual Presentation: Create an engaging visual presentation based on your research. Use your research to illustrate how you are able to help the recipient and eliminate visible weakness.
4. Follow Up: Maintain the established line of communications. Find the right balance between staying top of the mind and prospect's inbox.
Let's dive into the best techniques to boost your day-to-day productivity,
1. Let the Prospect take the Lead: In older days, the prospects procured information about the product from the sales rep. These days, prospects are more informed and as a result, they are less likely they care about your sales pitch. So, the sales rep can tell relatively how informed your prospect is. Once they get familiarity with your offerings, tailor your sales pitch to their particular questions and concerns.
2. Automate the Administrative Work: As per the research, the sales rep spend most of the time in the tasks of sending email to prospects(21% of the day), data entry(17%), prospecting & researching leads(17%), internal meetings(12%), scheduling calls(12%) and remaining time spend with his prospects. Some of the best sales enablement and automation tools help you to cut down the busy work that distracts you from your main goal. So, invest in those tools to minimize the task and spend more of your time in selling.
3. Align the Sales & Marketing: When sales & Marketing doesn't work toward the same goals, everyone loses. The perfect alignment results in qualified leads. To achieve the perfect sales and marketing alignment, organizations must define the characteristics of sales qualified lead(SQL). Once it has been defined, both teams work towards generating and following up with more leads that meet the criteria.
Here is the list of things that impact Sales & Marketing,
* Business Goals: It includes both your company & your prospect's goals. Make sure you understand them.
* Changing the Customer Requirements: The successful business does not remain static. Changes in your customer's business can alter based on their maintenance needs etc.,
* Legal & Political Changes: When there is a change in the administration of legal & political landscape changes come fast & furious in sales and marketing.
* Regulatory, Risk & Compliance: Customer's risk can change as a condition for being in compliance.
* Competitive Forces: New competitors enter the market regularly can affect your sales and marketing.
* Internet & Social Media: You can quickly earn the reputation for your business using the social media and Internet.
* Technological Changes: Latest technological innovations vastly impact the growth and success of the business.
*Workforce Changes: Beware of cultural & generational differences.
In order to effectively manage all these influences, you need to have a sales process in place. Here are some questions you need to asks yourself about your sales process,
* Are your sales & marketing process well documented?
* Are processes reviewed for efficiency & effectiveness?
* Do you have a CRM system in place to support sales & marketing process?
* Do the sales rep follow a consistent buying/selling process for every sales opportunity?
* Does your process track every sales opportunity?
* Do you continuously improve the process?
* Do you track sales activities and correlate activities with business results?
Having a well-defined sales process will give your sales staff the confidence they need to close the deals.
4. Personalised Sales Pitch: Sales professionals develop a pitch and perfect the delivery before approaching prospects. It is one of the important parts of selling. Buyers want to build relationships with companies their individual needs and concerns. If you use the same script for everyone, you will lose the business. They want to know why they, specifically, should buy your product or service and how it's going to solve their specific problems. Sales rep's guide to prospecting research will help you to find the right prospects for your business.
5. Work with Prospects Direct Phone Line: If a sales rep wanted to speak to a prospect, they'd call a company's main phone line and the receptionist to direct their call accordingly. The more people you go through, the less likely you are to reach your intended target. So, choose whichever company has accurate contacts within your target audience.
6. Warm Calling: It means calling a prospect you've established a prior connection with. It is about beginning the conversation before you pick up the phone. By establishing prior contact with a prospect built a certain level of trust with them. They will more likely listen to your pitch and consider making a purchase from your business.
7. Be a Problem Solver: Products are meant to solve the problem. That's why customers are really coming to you. Each and every person has a problem that they think our product or service can solve, When sales reps start thinking in his capacity - they are problem solvers to help clients find solutions then you are already ahead of the competition that's pushing the pitch.
8. Find your Authenticity: Customers want to engage with people more and more. If you are selling to people, the best thing you can do is be a person too. So, be yourself. Let the person you are stand out and use that to connect with people.
9. Create Postive Relationships: The old adage says build relationships, not selling the product. Take the time to build relationships with clients. And, take the interest to help your clients lives and their problems. Creating a solid relationship will help you to close deals.
10. Build Trust: Help everyone, even if your product is not the right fit for your client. The potential client may not buy from you - this time. But, he remembers your help. When the new problem arises, he will come to you first, if the client trust in you.
If you have been in sales with your company for any amount of time. you might hear the objections and concerns over and over again. If you can anticipate concerns in advance, it can go long way towards avoiding concerns and objections before they happen. Prevention is better than cure. The same goes for preventing objections and concerns before they happen,
1. Use "That's Why We are Here" Approach: Sometimes you'll get the common concern of a person not seeing a need for your product or service. Instead of going through your whole sales pitch and say at the end something like, "Looks like your product would be helpful but it's just not something I'm interested in buying". Try addressing these common concerns during your initial approach.
2. Address Common Concerns Up Front: When you address a common concern in your initial approach, it can help you avoid the outcomes. By addressing the common concern, it does a couple of things. First, it can either eliminate that concern if they had it, and it could get your potential customer to admit some other concern they really have. Our goal is to cater your sales pitch and value build around what your potential customer needs and wants.
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