7 things to know about bounce rate and improve the conversion of website

Google Defines Bounce as a single page session on your site. Bounce Rate is the percentage of single page session compared to all sessions on your website, For example, if a user clicks your website but doesn't visit any other page before leaving, that's a bounce. If ninety out of ten people do the same thing, then the bounce rate is 90%.

   You can use bounce rate as a metric that indicates the quality of webpage and/or the quality of your  audience. The quality of your audience means whether the audience fits the purpose of your website.    

     Sometimes, the focus on optimizing metric can lead to adjustments that may worsen the user experience. So, there is an right and wrong way to reduce bounce rate. Our goal shouldn't be to optimize the bounce rate, but to improve the user experience.

There are several things that you can do to decrease the bounce rate of your website as follows,

1.   Page Load and On PageTime: 

           People leave your website the instant your page refuses to load (in 4 seconds or less). The time your visitor spend on the pages is an good indicator of their overall interest. The more time spend on the pages, more pages visited, and a lower bounce rate, its safe to assume that your visitor more likely to convert.

2. Tell the Story :
       Every website should tell the story. It means the problem-and-solutions that visitors notice when looking through your website. So, if you are not sure of your website story, you must rethink your website design and content for a stronger and cohesive messages that captures your audience attentions.
3. Offer User required Content:
            The goal is to create a regular blog/ website content that drives readers to stay on the page until they get to very end. Website get stale if left alone for too long time. So, you must push the new content through the pipeline which is relevant and useful for your visitor. Infographics are excellent way to get visual and engage your audience in real time.

4. Employ Interactivity :

         It holds your visitors attention and propelling them to their website. Sliding animations give visitors a reason to stay engaged. Animations works well in page transitions,
  Movement: The right type and right speed helps keep visitors engage in whats on the screen as your site loads in the background.
 Flow: As you tell the website story, you need to have the smooth transition from one page to the next. Use the transitional element that will keep the story moving seamlessly along.
 Modernization: Website uses the right kind of animation appear more modern than the static counterparts. You can employ the parallax scrolling, video etc.

5. Use Expressive Images for your Content : 
        If you want your audience stick around, you have to use lots of striking images to your website/blog Text. You can use lots of interactive images and screenshots that explain the ideas in which they are trying to communicate to audience. If you really want get some result, you have to create some expressive images to help your content shine in your niche.

6.  Optimize for the Right Keywords :

          When the prospects puts the search query in the google, they are presented the pages to provide the answer. Before you publish a web page make sure that title tag and meta description accurately represent the content of the page. If the visitor clicking through the search engine result, if they don't find the landing page, they will bounce.

7. Personalize your CTA :

       Your content marketing lives or dies based on the success of CTA. knowing to write a call to action that hooks your readers interest is the key to your content survival. The content marketing success hinges on the bounce and conversion. Call to action is providing your reader with some form of actionable task. So, you must include some purposeful element in your content that specifically ask your reader to do something about your brand.

     Bounce Rate and Conversion: Bounce Rate can be used as a metric to measure success. If you designed a new website and hoping that it will convert better, then make sure that keep an eye on the bounce rate of that page. If you find increase in bounces, it means the changes you have made might been wrong.

       Also, you can look the bounce rate from traffic sources perspective.  If you are running the adwords campaign, you should keep an eye on the bounce rate of that traffic sources. Which traffic sources lead to a high or low bounce rate?  Can you figure out what causes this bounce rate?  Check the bounce rate of the popular pages. Learn from the pages which has low bounce rate.
