Web Designing Trends in 2017

          Web design is the first impression a visitor will have about business. It is an reflection of products, services and company culture. The latest web design trends can make the significant difference for visitors they are doing and give you an valuable attention of your website. Focusing on improving the user experience in smallest details increase the engagement and conversion rates. As a business owner, you need to take care of website conversion, audience follow through, call to action  and reducing the bounce rate etc. By adding and adjusting the crucial web design features mean the difference in success and failures. It is essential to deliver the website that has the combination of art, design and functionality. The following things are considered on website design irrespective of the trends,

         * Design should create the awareness and attract the visitors
         * Website Content should be narrative to 'tell your story' through the website. Your Content should engage and great way to incorporate the additional interactions.

         * Website design must be unique and recognizable
         * The good UX website design is to have a intuitive design. The developer aim is to guide the behavior of the page visitor to favorable to the brand. Call to action motivates the visitor into actions. These could be in the form of newsletter signups, registration, buy now, contact us, learn more etc drives the traffic and influence the engagement and conversions.
         * Use distinct visual approach, style, typography, design elements

         * Businesses need to have responsive web design in order to give them online credibility.

      All these create the first impression of  your visitor for the next interaction of your website. With the focus on great UX and UI, you can expect your visitors are buying your products and  services because of quality design, trending feature, great user interface and functionality that performs at a speed of light.

  Every year, the designers got an opportunity to evolve more design principles in something more attractive combining with old pretty features. It is aimed at making designs appear more realistic and appealing to the visitor. In this year'2017, we think about ways to give your company or personal website an extreme make over and have a look at these features,

1. Parallex Scrolling: It is an effect created like background moves slower than the foreground. It creates the illusion and experience of realistic action of the element. Check this website, Parallex Scrolling

2. Interactive Sites : Users want to interact and engage with website like humans. By combining the images, video, motion graphics creates the best user experience with the elements. Take a look at this website Interactive Website

3. Immersive Experiences & Animation : As per the report, award winning websites uses CSS animations in some way or another. The functional advantage to using animation on your site are,

      * Subtle animations  in important parts of the page makes more engaging and memorable. Also, animations are a way to communicate certain elements is interactive like hover-over the element. Take a look at this website PaperPlanes World

4. Bright Colors, Shadows and Fluid Design: The use of vibrant color palette strengthen the brand identity and dominate your web design trend in 2017. The use of shadows has also been in the rise and the illusion of fluidity of the elements increases the popularity. Take a loot at this website, Fluid Design

5. 3D elements and Geometric shapes: If you want the graphic design in web, use the geometric shapes into stunning three dimensional shapes used in 3D models known as "low poly". Take a look at this site, Graphic Design Website

6. Illustrations & Animated GIF: The hand drawn illusions on the home page catches the first time visitors  attention.  Take a look at this,  Illustrative Website
